Aresty Research Assistant
Fate and Conversion Mechanisms of Microplastics during Hydrothermal Valorization of Wet Organic Wastes
Project Summary
The pursuit of sustainability has catalyzed broad efforts in repurposing wastes as feedstocks for the production of renewable energy and valuable products. However, waste materials are characterized by a high level of heterogeneity and may contain unidentified contaminants, with microplastics (plastic particles with smaller than 1-10 mm) being one representative and under-studied example. As waste valorization technologies may not be capable of removing or destructing the contaminants, use of the generated products could lead to unintended dissemination of waste-originated contaminants. This project investigates the fate of microplastics during hydrothermal valorization of wet organic waste, where the elevated temperature and pressure, as well as the unique properties of water under such conditions have shown promise in destructing various contaminants.

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