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Aresty Research Assistant
The Network Foundations of Careers in Higher Education
Project Summary
The project gathers and analyzes data on faculty members and their various professional activities and involvements in eight different academic departments, including six STEM departments at a major American research university, over a ten year period from 2000 to 2010. These activities and involvements include scholarly collaboration, publishing, citation, professional acquaintanceship, graduate student mentoring, university committee work, service on grant-funding agency panels, and so on. Academic CAREERS are built out of these various involvements, many of which involve RELATIONS that faculty members construct with influential people in their discipline, at their university, and in their departments. The main goal is to assess whether different outcomes and structural positions are attained by female versus male faculty, and by minority versus non-minority faculty, on the basis of these involvements, to determine if some amelioration is required to achieve more equity in the distribution of influence and prestige in American higher education.

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