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GREAT Project (Costa Rica)
Geoscience REsearch At the Cordillera Talamanca (GREAT) Project
Project Summary
This is a second year of a three-year project.

The first cohort of 6 students built a website that describes the project, presents information on themselves and their mentors, and documents their experiences:

A second cohort of 6 students will pick up where their predecessors left off.

---------official project description----------------
The GREAT Project will use a diverse array of geoscience methods to investigate the origins, the current state, and the hazard potential of the Cordillera Talamanca in southern Costa Rica. This region is unique in Central America because of its lack of active volcanism, its extreme (and geologically recent) high elevations, and its history of unusually distributed large earthquakes.

The project will use resources of the University of Costa Rica: The School of Geology and the civil engineering research center (Laboratorio Nacional de Materiales y Modelos Estructurales, LanammeUCR), and also the research facilities of the national power company of Costa Rica (Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad, ICE).

Students will collect new data on seismic wave propagation, gravity field strength, and the shape of the Earth’s surface, and merge new observations with already existing data into a unified knowledge base that will facilitate better understanding of the region. They will analyze combined data sets to answer specific questions about this region, such as “Why are Cordillera Talamanca so high?”, “Where are zones of present internal deformation?”, and “What factors control slope stability?”, and use newly gained knowledge to assess landslide hazards along the Pan-American Highway in the CT.

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