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This project investigates the environmental fluctuations documented in fossils and sediments of Lake Turkana, Kenya over the past four million years. Reconstructing a record of biotic and sedimentary responses to climate change, volcanism and landscape evolution is a prerequisite to understanding environmental factors as driving forces in development of the savanna biome and human ancestors in the ancient record. Students will investigate sediment samples from modern and ancient lake systems to (...)

Aresty Research Assistant
SAS - Earth and Planetary Sciences, SAS - Anthropology
Ecology, Environment

This project is focused on examining the practices and policies surrounding young, Spanish-speaking dual language learners in New Jersey through a mixture of recently collected data in preschool classrooms and through interviews with teachers.

Aresty Research Assistant
Education , Policy

At the Department of Anthropology Laboratory for MicroArchaeology (ALMA), we study the microscopic archaeological record using minerals, plants, and bones. We use the FTIR to analyze the burnt bones and the mineral composition of the fire remains to evaluate their preservation state and the temperatures reached. We focus on the phytoliths and microcharcoal assemblages from sediments to identify how humans interacted with plants in the past. We aim to answer questions such as: Did Neanderthals and (...)

Aresty Research Assistant
SAS - Anthropology
Anthropology, Archaeology, Botany, Chemistry, Ecology, (...)

The SOCIOARC project focuses on the connections between social life and the built environment. It is a collaborative project led by scholars from Landscape Architecture (Anita Bakshi) and Sociology (Zaire Dinzey-Flores). Together we working on a book, a podcast, and a digital resource for design school curriculum and practice. The built environment informs social life. And in turn, social life is informed by the built environment. Yet they are often studied, developed, and addressed in (...)

Aresty Research Assistant
SAS - Sociology, SEBS - Landscape Architecture
Digital Arts (DXARTS), Diversity, Inequality , Landscape (...)

Recent elections have been touted as being the "most diverse" - more women, women of color and candidates of color running than in the last six elections combined. The goal of this project is to examine the linkage between race/ethnicity and gender on state and local legislative primary and general election outcomes. What factors determine if these minority candidates get on the ballot, and what factors influence if they win? Previous research has demonstrated that in Congressional elections, (...)

Aresty Research Assistant
SAS - Political Science
Gender , Political Science, Race and ethnicity

15 record(s) found
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